Breeders of the Nephelym Alpha: Beginners Guide (Tips & Tricks). Breeders of the nephilim как открыть ворота

If this hasn’t resolved the issue, the next is to set your screen resolution. It is a known issue with the Unreal Engine that it does not support “stretched” resolutions, so be sure to try a non-stretched resolution first (examples are below).

Beginners Guide (Tips & Tricks)

  • WASD – Standard Movement Keys
  • E – Action/Talk
  • I – Inventory
  • K- Quest/Task
  • C- Clothes On/Off
  • Q- activate Spirit Form

After your character creation (male, female or futa) make sure to head to the Hedon Township. The town is located on top of the plateau and is where you may find the following vendors:

  • Cassie: Sells housing for your Nephelym
  • Amber-Mae: Buys/sells milk.
  • Camilla: Buy/sells c-men.
  • The Emissary: Buys the Nephelym you captured for in game currency. Also, to increase your trait level for breeding.
  • Leylanna: Guides you into your Spirit Form (You can change your breed at any time) as well as refill your lust meter.


  • The vendors’ available money resets every day after sleeping at your home.
  • Harvested bodily fluids can be sold to Amber-Mae in Hedon Township for Orgasium (in game currency)
  • You may sell your Nephelym to the Emmissary for orgasium

To activate the teleporters/portals in Lyrcea you are required to spend a one time fee of 800 Lust (per portal) then you can travel at any time you wish without spending more Lust.
This will allow you to catch the wild Nephelyms near the spawning shrines (floating stone angels).

In the top left corner of your screen, you will see two meters. The top being your Lust Meter and the bottom being your Spirit Meter. Your character’s number of actions are limited by your amount of lust (which will increase throughout the game) but is repleneshed by sleep, winning surprise sex or by visiting Leylanna in Hedon Township.
Actions include: breeding, capturing, harvesting.

During surprise sex, pressing the left mouse button repeatedly will allow the Nephelym to climax before the breeder without losing your lust.

If you do not wish to engage in the physical part of capturing, you may aslo give the male/female the correct milk or other bodily fluids to capture them. (This will be thouroughly discussed.)

Идем выполнять
После выполнение открываем ворота где стоит Kybele (телка-кентавр)
Дальше идем к дракону который уснул на проходи, даем ему молоко, забираем ключ и подымаемся вверх к титанам. После нахождения и прокачки Немфилима идем к змее.


Нефелим с вероятностью 40% может родить гибрида при выборе правильной пары (они также получают черту «Гибрид»).

Вам нужно купить Mut Hut у Кэсси, прежде чем вы сможете создавать гибриды, иначе потомство всегда будет обычными Нефелимами.

Всего существует 14 гибридных комбинаций. У Демонов есть 7 гибридов, у Драконов — 5, у Лис — 4, у Неко — 3, у Гарпий — 2, у Титанов — 2, у Вульваргов — 2.

Неко + Гарпия = Гриффин
Лиса + Неко = Кэцуне
Лиса + Серафим = Тенко
Демон + Лиса = Кумихо
Демон + Бовор = Кусарикку
Демон + Неко = Бакенеко
Демон + Серафим = Дэва
Демон + Титан = Они
Демон + Вульварг = Цербер
Демон + Дракон = Джабберуок
Дракон + Лиса = Амару
Дракон + Гарпия = Василиск
Дракон + Титан = Рю
Дракон + Вульварг = Кладд


Демон + Лиса = Кумихо
Демон + Бовор = Кусарикку
Демон + Неко = Бакенеко
Демон + Серафим = Дэва
Демон + Титан = Они
Демон + Вульварг = Цербер
Демон + Дракон = Джабберуок

Дракон + Демон = Джабберуок
Дракон + Лиса = Амару
Дракон + Гарпия = Василиск
Дракон + Титан = Рю
Дракон + Вульварг = Кладд

Лиса + Дракон = Амару
Лиса+ Неко = Кэцуне
Лиса + Серафим = Тенко
Лиса + Демон = Кумихо

To confirm this and check which DirectX version is supported by your OS, you’ll need to run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool (dxdiag). This built-in Windows tool can be accessed on any Windows version by opening a Run box (Windows key + R) and typing “dxdiag“.

How To Enable Cheats?

Is this the first time you will be applying cheats? Then I’ve got you covered. Just follow the below steps and you will be done with the process quickly.

  • Step 1: Launch the game
  • Step 2: Press the ESC key
  • Step 3: Go to Settings
  • Step 4: Click on the Cheats
  • Step 5: Enter the cheats in the blank field
  • Step 6: Hit enter & enable.

That is how cheats in Breeders of the Nephelym are enabled. While you’re here, check out the cheats for other games.

If everything checks out then it is time for some editing to see if the game can be successfully launched. This game uses the Unreal Engine 4 and features configuration files that can be edited with any text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, Sublime Text, etc).


If this hasn’t resolved the issue, the next is to set your screen resolution. It is a known issue with the Unreal Engine that it does not support “stretched” resolutions, so be sure to try a non-stretched resolution first (examples are below).

Set the “ResolutionSizeX” and ResolutionSizeY” values to something appropriate for your machine

And set the “bUseDynamicResolution” value to false:

This should prevent the engine from trying to use a stretched resolution if your machine is using one.

Examples of native resolutions:

  • 1920 x 1080
  • 1680 x 1050
  • 1600 x 900
  • 1440 x 900
  • 1400 x 1050
  • 1366 x 768
  • 1360 x 768
  • 1280 x 1024
  • 1280 x 960
  • 1280 x 800
  • 1280 x 768
  • 1280 x 600
  • 1152 x 864
  • 1024 x 768
  • 800 x 600

Registry Editing

Another common crash is related to DirectX error messages with one common error stating “Unreal Engine Exiting Due To D3D Device Lost”. This can be caused by your graphics card overheating or the graphics card taking to long to respond.

The first solution is to ensure that your machine and graphics card have adequate airflow. If that is the case, the next fix is to edit your registry.

Be Warned! Editing your registry can adversely affect your machines performance so be sure to save a back up of your registry before proceeding.

  • Press the Windows key and type “regedit” to open the registry editor.
  • Select File -> Export to save a current version of your registry
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers
  • Right click on the GraphicsDrivers “folder” in the left hand file pane/tree and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) value
  • A new value will be created in the right hand panel. Name this value TdrDelay
  • Right click this new value and select modify.
  • Ensure that Decimal is selected and set the value to 10
  • Press “OK” to save the entry and reboot your system

Всего существует 14 гибридных комбинаций. У Демонов есть 7 гибридов, у Драконов — 5, у Лис — 4, у Неко — 3, у Гарпий — 2, у Титанов — 2, у Вульваргов — 2.

АКТ III «Пещера чудес»

Открываем и сразу спускаемся вниз находим паучиху

и выполняем квест

Идем дальше открываем следующие ворота (если вы взяли ключ у слизи)
Находим каво нужно и открываем последние врата

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